ROM RR 5.8.3 Official cho Sky A870 Android 7.1.2 Nougat By XDAVN
ROM RR Cho SKY A870 nền tảng android 7.1.2 là rom dựa trên Lineage , slimrom . Rom có hiệu suất mạnh mẽ , tùy biến cao , mang đến sự trải nghiệm thật tuyệt vời
Installation Instructions:
- Download the ROM
- Put the downloaded zip files on your SDCard
- Reboot in Recovery
- Wipe System, Cache, Dalvik Cache, Internal and Data Partition
- Flash rom
- Reboot system
Installation Instructions:
- Download the ROM
- Put the downloaded zip files on your SDCard
- Reboot in Recovery
- Wipe System, Cache, Dalvik Cache, Internal and Data Partition
- Flash rom
- Reboot system
Resurrection Remix OS Nougat
● Crowdin for translations : ● Main Features ▼ ● Theme Engine ▼ - Full Substratum(OMS) theme support ● Navigation bar ▼ - Enable/Disable Navbar - Navbar color tint - Navbar Button Customization smartbar - Navbar Pulse - Navbar Fling - Double Tap to sleep navbar ● Statusbar ▼ - Brightness Slider - Enable/Disable Show Notification Count - SuperUser Indicator Switch - Double Tap To sleep Statusbar - Carrier Label - Carrier Label Switch - Carrier label Color - Carrier Label Size - Clock Customizations - Time & date - Day & date Toogle - Center/Right/Left Clock Choice - Date Format - Clock Font Styles ● Battery ▼ - Battery Bar customization - Battery Icon Customization(circle/landscape/Potrait and more) - Battery % Text ● Network Traffic Indicator ▼ - Network Traffic Arrows Switch - Incoming/OutGoing Traffic - Network traffic Color ● Statusbar RR Logo ▼ - RR logo Color - Position ● Custom Logos ▼ - logo Color - Position - Style ● StatusBar Weather ▼ - Weather Color - Weather Position(left/right) - Weather Font Style - Weather Size ● StatusBar Ticker ▼ - Ticker Text color - Ticker Icon Color ● Animations ▼ - Toast Animations - ListView Animations - System Animations - QS tile Animations - Power Menu Animations - Misc Animations ● Gestures ▼ - Gestures Anywhere Feature - 3 Finger Swipe Screenshot Gesture ● App Circle Bar ▼ - Choose apps in AppSidebar - Trigger Width - Trigger Hieght - Trigger Position ● App Sidebar ▼ - Choose apps in App circle - Trigger Width - Trigger Hieght - Trigger Position ● Pie Control ▼ - Pie Trigger(left ,Right ,Bottom) - Pie Targets - Pie Colors - More Pie Features ● Recents Panel ▼ - Clear All button Switch - Clear All Tasks Switch - Clear All Button Location(Top right,Top Left,Top Center,Bottom Left,Bottom Right,Bottom Center) - Full Screen Recents - Recents Styles - OmniSwitch ● Cclock Widget ▼ - CLock And Alarm Customizations - Weather Panel Customizations - Calender Events ● LockScreen ▼ - Lockscreen Bottom Shortcuts - Lockscreen General Shorcuts - 100+ Icons for Shortcuts - Double Tap to Sleep Lockscreen - Lockscreen Media Art/Enable Disable - Quick PIN/Patter Unlock - LockScreen Wallpaper - Lockscreen Weather Widget - Lockscreen Icons Color ● Quick Settings Draggable Tiles ▼ - Customizable Tiles - Dyanamic Tiles Adjustment - Number of columns/rows - Tile Animations ● Notification Drawer ▼ - Task manager - Custom headers - LongPress Toogles to Enter Settings - Disable Immersive Mode Messages - Force Expand Notification - Quick PullDown - Smart Pulldown - Notification Panel Transperency - Volume Dialog Transperency - Notification Panel Stroke - Volume Dialog Stroke ● Buttons ▼ - Backlight Timer - Backlight Strength ● Advanced Reboot Menu ▼ - Power Off - Reboot(Recovery, Bootloader, Hot Reboot) - ScreenShot - Power Menu End Calls Switch - Restart SystemUI - Airplane Mode - ScreenRecord - On the Go Mode - Sound Panel ● Home Button(For devices with HW keys Only) ▼ - Home Button answer call - Long Press Actions - Double Tap Actions ● Menu Button(For devices with HW keys Only) ▼ - Short Press Actions - Long Press Actions ● Search Button(If Device Supports) ▼ - Short Press Action - Long Press Action ● Volume Buttons ▼ - Wake Up Device - Playback Control - Ringtone Volume Control - Keyboard Cursor Control - Swap Buttons on Landscape mode - Volume Key Answer ● Miscellaneous ▼ - Selinux Switch (Switch Between Permissive and Enforcing Selinux if Device has Selinux Enabled) - cLock Shortcut - Disable Battery Saver Warning Color - OTA Updates - Cammera Shutter Sound Enable/Disable ● SystemUI Tuner ▼ - Enabled By default - Removed Demo mode and Tweaked SystemUI Tuner As compared To AOSP - StatusBar Icons Cuzomizations - Quick Settings Customizations ● Other Features ▼ - Perfomance Profiles - LCD Density - Expanded Desktop Mode - Heads Up Switch and customizations - Live Display - Configurable 0,90,180,270 Degree Rotation - Lock Screen Autorotate Switch - Native Tap to Wake From Marshmallow - Double Tap Power Button To enable Camera gesture - Prevent Accidental Wakeup - Wake Phone on Charging Plug - Battery Light Customizations - Notification Light Customizations - Font Size - CM privacy guard - RR OTA - CM root inbuilt - New RR Configurations - Overall Smoothness Improvements - Optimizations to Improve Battery - Includes all Android Nougat Features - Includes all CM14.1 Features - And much much more ...
Resurrection Remix Nougat Version 5.8.3 Changelog
# Resurrection Remix Nougat Version 5.8.3 Changelog ==================================================== 04-15-2017 ============ #### android/ * adb6be3 manifest: android-7.1.1_r25 -> android-7.1.2_r2 * e14b742 Sync infra-related projects #### build/ * f21b9cf build: allow to disable recovery-two-step.img generation #### frameworks/av/ * 0859743 Merge branch 'nougat' of into nougat * 88b9d78 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of into nougat #### frameworks/base/ * 904ce14 fix build * cda086a Various fixes and cleanups after 7.1.2 merge * e06c6ea Zygote: Fix GL preload property evaluation * 1b051d8 systemui: Fix DE translation for navbar buttons * 94fd330 Dialer: show headsup on incoming call even if headsup are off [1/2] * 6585850 Statusbar ticker: use a gentle smooth fade animation * 3a2552b SystemUI : port performance profile toggle from M * 6bc95dd Option to Display Data Disabled Indicator Icon [1/2] * e7443eb Show lockscreen wallpaper when blur effect is enabled * c7b3d2e Keyguard Weather : Refactor for new API[1/2] * 76c3eee Extend OmniJaws Client to Keyguard Signed-off-by: Varun Date <> * 0f67b83 Revert "SystemUI: Add SlotId for MultiSim" * ff5103e PowerManager: Bring back the compatibility with AOSP * 4e641ad Slim Recents: refresh sizes on dpi change * 9af66a6 base: services: add config_fingerprintRemoveClientOnCancel * 49c3c91 Ticker: allow to show music track info on new track being played [1/2] * 6bfc714 Fix Aosp bug on custom apps tiles: color not changing on tile state change * 7aa24a2 ScreenshotEditor: Fix Navbar Glitch for Good. * f0cc961 Themes: Expose Keyguard affordance circle background * 7f5e8e4 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' of into HEAD #### frameworks/native/ * 450e5a1 Merge branch 'nougat' of into nougat * 005ce14 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of into nougat #### lineage/wiki/ * dda1c6b wiki: import gts210 family, ham, i9305, n51xx * d42c3c6 wiki: Add essentials for making a device official #### packages/apps/Contacts/ * 143e1fe Merge branch '7.1.2' of into nougat #### packages/apps/ContactsCommon/ * f97eb22 Merge branch '7.1.2' of into nougat #### packages/apps/Dialer/ * 8c9e2ae Merge branch 'nougat' of into nougat #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ * c11d753 Merge branch '7.1.2' of into nougat #### packages/apps/PhoneCommon/ * 75e864f Merge branch 'nougat' of into nougat #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ * 3bd814e Merge branch 'nougat' of into nougat * 17c21f3 Bump version to 5.8.3 * 443ab3f Merge remote-tracking branch 'rr/nougat' into HEAD * 384acbc stats: RR 5.8.3 #### packages/apps/Settings/ * d5a421a Update resurrection_device_maintainers_strings.xml (#747) * 889c5ac Dialer: show headsup on incoming call even if headsup are off [2/2] * b0b7663 Update Oneplus2 maintainer (#746) * 7fd0f34 Option to Display Data Disabled indicator Icons [2/2] * 2c57984 Port "Battery Usage Alerts" feature from factory images to aosp * cbea28d Settings: Refactor Keyguard Weather [2/2] * 1bcad64 Rename ZUK Z1 mainatainer (#745) * f1962b7 Fixed device_maintainers_fragment.xml (#743) * e863204 Fix required strings * 02d0b19 Add ZTE Axon7 dev to the mix (#741) * cebfd40 Ticker: allow to show music track info on new track being played [2/2] * 31a9d2d Settings: Expose and add tint mode to custom icons #### packages/services/Telecomm/ * 357ff90 Merge branch '7.1.2' of into nougat #### packages/services/Telephony/ * 6d1d221 Merge branch '7.1.2' of into nougat #### system/core/ * ae467ca Merge branch '7.1.2' of into nougat #### vendor/cm/ * 3dd9cf5 Don't create if ANDROID_BUILD_TOP is not set * c0aff2c rr: update changelog script for 5.8.3 and to work with anyone's source dir * 5ff1809 Update 5.8.2 to 5.8.3 * c04ffd6 Merge branch 'nougat' of into nougat 04-14-2017 ============ #### frameworks/av/ * 4a98590 stagefright: Fix SurfaceMediaSource buffer search condition when buffer return #### lineage/jenkins/ * b67e81e hudson: bring back w7 #### lineage/mirror/ * 4d8cf8c mirror: Updated to 13-Apr-17 16:40:00 UTC #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ 04-13-2017 ============ #### lineage/wiki/ * 245cbb0 wiki: Less external main-links * f0d0eb3 wiki: Don't break mid-word * 803c0a3 devices: Add lt02ltespr * 7ffdf08 wiki: Underp filtering of peripherals * 21ed3ac wiki: contributors: Add other projects * 0b84053 wiki: Pimp "Contributors" page #### packages/apps/Nfc/ * 3090980 Nfc: Include android-support-v4 for the NXP stack 04-12-2017 ============ #### frameworks/av/ * 18a402d stagefright: Remove the HAL3 limitation from the video reference clock selection * eb06e41 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of into nougat #### frameworks/native/ * 0dd3703 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of into nougat #### lineage/jenkins/ * cf9e05d hudson: Temporarily remove ether until it gets cleaned up * 82f2b72 Unify Galaxy Note 2 Korean variants #### lineage/mirror/ * 99f749e Add support for t0ltekor #### lineage/updater/ * fb1b2fa Unify Galaxy Note 2 Korean variants #### lineage/wiki/ * b799ed7 devices: unify korean galaxy note 2 * c44d7d9 wiki: Move hima family to 14.1 * 91d3fe9 Remove CNAME, no longer using github pages * bb53cb4 wiki: Bump jalebi to 14.1 * 6d26ab6 wiki: Fix wrong device information * 820dd11 wiki: Update "adding device" page #### packages/apps/CMParts/ * 4e7219f PerfProfileSettings: Update slider on powersave mode change * 5f7bb78 CMParts: Update quick QS pull-down summary for translation * 2bad1e9 Fix reorientation of volume buttons on portrait tablets * 7d8197d CMParts: update contributors db #### packages/apps/CarrierConfig/ * fd64a03 Consider O2 and E-Plus as non-roaming #### packages/apps/Contacts/ * e2478c8 contacts: Add support for import contacts to local phone storage * 61abda0 Contacts: Fix strings #### packages/apps/ContactsCommon/ * 3dd19dc AccountType: use a pretty phone account icon for local storage account * 60791ad SelectAccountActivity : Support local phone account * 2445ce7 Add local phone account as a writable AccountTypes. * 6113000 Store all local contacts in only one account. * ad3262b contacts-common: Add support for import contacts to local phone storage #### packages/apps/Dialer/ * eaecbaa Dialer: AIRPLANE_MODE_ON has moved * 8d60bbe Dialer: Fix strings #### packages/apps/Gallery2/ * aad548e Gallery2: support the newly added media file types in MTP mode * 99a5354 Gallery2: Fix use of uninitialized stack variables * 7959af6 Gallery2: Remove unused renderscript class #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ * 0e58481 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of into nougat #### packages/apps/PhoneCommon/ * 64bae44 PhoneCommon: Another round of qtistring fixes #### packages/apps/ThemeInterfacer/ * 754b6ea restartService --> forceStopService #### packages/services/Telephony/ * 3087a7d VoicemailSettingsActivity: Fix NPE * 9923974 telephony: fix crash when missing simcard #### system/core/ * 918f328 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of into nougat #### vendor/cm/ * fcf5cff Add email app to device idle whitelist. * b7a56d2 kernel: Include openssl headers and dylibs on darwin * c665a88 build: Update smali and baksmali to 2.2.0 * 6e0481c roomservice: handle devices with underscores #### vendor/cmsdk/ * 62576c7 PerformanceManager: Don't override the user preference * ef95847 PerformanceManager: Don't force powersave mode with powersave profile 04-11-2017 ============ #### frameworks/av/ * bcfb7ac stagefright: Remove the HAL3 limitation from the video reference clock selection #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960/ * 09cce1b hwcomposer: Fix regression in hwc_sync #### lineage/jenkins/ * 00f12d0 Add lt02ltespr * 96e020e hudson: Kill D2 #### lineage/wiki/ * 2ebb536 wiki : Group pages in folders #### packages/apps/Snap/ * 2ecc334 CameraControls: Toggle the status of disabled views * 7e10f00 Never remove unsupported controls * 30ba558 WideAnglePanoramaUI: Correctly position the progressbar #### packages/apps/ThemeInterfacer/ * 31b36ca Polish copyright 04-10-2017 ============ #### art/ * e4e0c7c Merge branch 'staging/cm-14.1_android-7.1.2_r2' of into HEAD #### build/ * eeb2354 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/skia/ * d28e5a2 Merge branch 'staging/cm-14.1_android-7.1.2_r2' of into HEAD #### frameworks/av/ * d664926 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/native/ * a8ac4e5 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### lineage/jenkins/ * 77d4492 Rebalance build targets #### lineage/mirror/ * 471449d mirror: Updated to 10-Apr-17 06:30:00 UTC #### lineage/stats/ * bb7e276 Enable stats dumps to json #### lineage/wiki/ * eada6f2 devices: lettuce and tomato now on 14.1 #### packages/apps/Bluetooth/ * dd3c70c Revert "Bluetooth: handle opening incoming APK files" #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ * 4c0252f CellBroadcastReceiver: fix channel 50 not disabling #### packages/apps/Contacts/ * f12b9ea Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 * 20c4d1a contacts: Add support for import contacts to local phone storage #### packages/apps/ContactsCommon/ * 4ef2fb5 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 * 813476e AccountType: use a pretty phone account icon for local storage account * 41b042b SelectAccountActivity : Support local phone account * 3a17fd8 Add local phone account as a writable AccountTypes. * 78872dd Store all local contacts in only one account. * 63e4adf contacts-common: Add support for import contacts to local phone storage #### packages/apps/Dialer/ * 144efc0 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/ExactCalculator/ * e235f6d Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/Messaging/ * 800e075 Merge branch 'staging/cm-14.1_android-7.1.2_r2' of into HEAD #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ * db5453a Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/PhoneCommon/ * ae769b0 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/Settings/ * c4089ff Settings: Expose bluetooth pin confirm dialog text colors * 0ce6798 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into nougat #### packages/apps/Snap/ * f262e1a Snap: CaptureModule: set switcher index on resume * 0540403 Snap: CaptureUI: fix ModuleSwitcher being invisible #### packages/apps/StorageManager/ * 2814a00 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/services/Telecomm/ * 100bc18 Merge pull request #2 from SoUnd001/nougat * 3bf1dfe Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/services/Telephony/ * 84cc1c5 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### system/core/ * 560d700 Merge branch 'staging/cm-14.1_android-7.1.2_r2' of into nougat #### system/sepolicy/ * 825c019 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### vendor/cm/ * 36cd412 Bump version to 5.8.3 * de269ec kernel: Include openssl headers and dylibs on darwin * d75180b build: Update smali and baksmali to 2.2.0 * 2070293 charger: updates for 7.1.2 minui 04-09-2017 ============ #### frameworks/av/ * 9da10a0 Revert "Revert "mediacodec: minijail: Enable exporting of policy files"" #### frameworks/native/ * e7456d6 sensorservice: Register orientation sensor if HAL doesn't provide it #### lineage/mirror/ * 7ae79d8 mirror: Update to 08-Apr-17 16:02:57 UTC #### lineage/wiki/ * f28d3e9 Add costs page #### packages/apps/CarrierConfig/ * 14d3bb7 Consider Q-TELECOM Greece as non-roaming #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 3474907 Remove my name from A6020, osprey and falcon (#739) #### packages/providers/ContactsProvider/ * 8546493 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 04-08-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * dc5c93a SystemUI: Fix "no notifications" font size #### frameworks/native/ * 82c4726 sensorservice: Register orientation sensor if HAL doesn't provide it #### lineage/cve/ * 2e802b1 cvetracker: Add grouper to grouper kernel #### lineage/jenkins/ * 9286a50 switch s2 to 14.1 * 8785193 switch zl1 to 14.1 #### lineage/website/ * 92b99f5 Add gemfile for jenkins deployments #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ 04-07-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/Gallery2/ * 54654ae Fix spelling error #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ 04-06-2017 ============ #### art/ * 3442967 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### bionic/ * 8cb6a7f Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### dalvik/ * 0931a6d Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### development/ * 01b86c8 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/aac/ * 7839072 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/boringssl/ * fac9c96 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/flac/ * e61e7f6 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/icu/ * 3b0dd8c Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/ipsec-tools/ * 7112b87 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/libnfc-nci/ * 4b14f27 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/okhttp/ * ff9ca1d Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/openssh/ * 4ca20f2 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/skia/ * a4313f6 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/tinyalsa/ * 976d8f1 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### external/toybox/ * 9118558 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/av/ * eb594c4 Revert "Revert "mediacodec: minijail: Enable exporting of policy files"" * 10b42a9 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/base/ * f0757114 Fix permission description string for DE. #### frameworks/native/ * 2d3c4a2 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/opt/chips/ * 67e8438 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/opt/datetimepicker/ * 190333c Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/opt/net/ims/ * 695c853 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/opt/net/wifi/ * f0223d5 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/opt/vcard/ * 7adc1b5 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### frameworks/support/ * 5a832ea Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/broadcom/libbt/ * 971ddae Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/broadcom/wlan/ * d01e9ab Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/intel/common/libmix/ * 97e15b8 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/intel/common/omx-components/ * 162d95b Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/intel/img/hwcomposer/ * 667d537 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/intel/img/psb_video/ * 0ab4bdd Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/libhardware/ * 0502004 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/audio/default/ * 2f3955f Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/bootctrl/ * b1c3f1e Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/bt/ * 7a172ce Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/camera/ * d228805 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/display/ * 85ca03c Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/gps/ * 05f4309 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/qcom/media/ * f55a6c6 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/ril/ * 8395771 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### libcore/ * e558f0c Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### lineage/mirror/ * be5da0c mirror: Add some nvidia repositories #### lineage/website/ * 03ed1ad www: Fix typo * eaffeb2 www: Fix dodgy markdown in latest post #### lineage/wiki/ * 44d902e wiki: Using gerrit: Improve #### packages/apps/Bluetooth/ * 8caae26 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/Camera2/ * be7d826 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/CarrierConfig/ * 640ae3e Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ * a8b6bf8 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/CertInstaller/ * 74f4e7c Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/Email/ * d01f0b1 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/EmergencyInfo/ * 4a8665b Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/KeyChain/ * d73b072 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/ManagedProvisioning/ * 76743b7 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/Messaging/ * 359ba71 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/Nfc/ * 9646924 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 6fb2403 Fix magisk manager settings location #### packages/apps/Stk/ * 603a448 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/TvSettings/ * 3888b9f Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ * 49f6bb5 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/apps/WallpaperPicker/ * 215e79e Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/ * ee8c161 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ * 2b3bdb8 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/providers/MediaProvider/ * ac8813a Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/ * b41830a Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/providers/TvProvider/ * c5f6aee Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/providers/UserDictionaryProvider/ * eba8a64 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/screensavers/PhotoTable/ * 5270983 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/services/Car/ * fa9aa42 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/services/Mms/ * 80580cd Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/ * 7a9f23d Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### system/bt/ * c0e5c0b Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### system/core/ * e40b34d Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### system/extras/ * 2e71be0 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### system/keymaster/ * bfd6d4a Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### system/media/ * 0886686 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### system/netd/ * 17c1f5c Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### system/security/ * a125888 Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### system/vold/ * 4bc1c8f Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 04-05-2017 ============ #### bootable/recovery/ * 85137c6 Fix "ordered comparison between pointer and zero". * 5d91ffd Fix bldr msg file open mode when offset specified * 699573a Fixup custom bootloader msg offset in block misc * d3024f7 minui: Skip EV_REL input devices. * 26aea76 recovery: Fix "Wipe data" wrong "System reset" naming * 6b6f0aa Allow custom bootloader msg offset in block misc * 5982e79 bootloader_message: allow devices to override * e67606f fstools: Add libselinux dep * b54739a updater: Allow devices to suppress BLKDISCARD * 1bba0b2 sr: Add performance control * efb2ad2 Convert recovery to use BoringSSL instead of mincrypt. * 2fa1862 recovery: libverifier: Add fs_mgr header * 5a41972 sr: Adjust for changes in sideload code * d18e2d1 recovery: Add new required libraries and silence warnings * 5216d68 sr: Remove dialog usage from backup service * 62bca1a recovery: Include libc when building libminiunz_static * a9e67a4 recovery: Include libselinux when building libmake_ext4fs_static * 320b3b3 recovery: Update src files for N * ba0564a ninja-build: don't use $(shell) in other Make constructs [4/4] * d869012 Mount pstore filesystem while in recovery * 466ce70 recovery: Add wipe system partition option * 6753871 recovery: bu: Make 64-bit clean * 03ac0be recovery: handle back button when navigating recovery logs * d2883d6 recovery: Remove empty header line * 463b721 recovery: don't override selinux for cache partition * a537ead recovery: User recovery shouldn't allow mounting system * b31f3a2 sr: Deep rainbow integration * 86063e6 recovery: mount without selinux for update * 971a684 recovery: rename remount_for_wipe * 4121025 recovery: Minimize headers for "Apply update" menus * 98c9e47 minui: accept RGBA and treat it as RGBX * 9514c6e recovery: Remove insecure wipe from menu on user builds * 63051f9 recovery: Fix dependencies * f34c3ce recovery: Offer to format if data wipe fails * ec47754 recovery: Menu rewrites and cleanups * 041f1e6 recovery: Fix media wipe * 1bed182 recovery: Fix mount_for_wipe * 0f4c989 recovery: Fix recursive rm wipe of data * 51e0aaf recovery: Enable the menu for User builds * d888d58 recovery: fstools: Honor TARGET_USES_EXFAT * 305b8e7 recovery: Remove "Supported API" message * c82bd29 recovery: Drop dependency on mkfs.f2fs * 1102ab9 minui: don't drop EV_ABS (touch) events * 499e9a5 recovery: Assimilate minivold * a83c8ce recovery: fstools: symlink sgdisk so we can actually use it * 4a7cbee fstools: Invite sfdisk to the party * 15f6354 recovery: Fix mounting f2fs partitions * 6d62524 sr: Set context for minivold * 98adae9 sr: Fix build when oemlock plugin is enabled * a4d881f update-binary: support reboot_now on older recoveries * 6f28233 minui: support to pan display (FBIOPAN_DISPLAY) * d3f80dd recovery: Separate for vold in recovery * ae143c4 recovery: Allow devices to reboot to download mode * 66031e5 Don't disable including TARGET_RECOVERY_UI_LIB if exists * 3983ef8 recovery: autodetect filesystem type * 242e0a1 sr: updater: Fix multi-stage docs * fe007be install: Ditch the generic error * f28083f recovery: Always include ext4 stuff * 9a4b695 sr: Allow device-specific recovery modules * 83ca49b sr: Dejank the menus, fix colors * 511f22a sr: Fix the progress bar * f90bb9a sr: Return to main menu after selection * e637532 recovery: Handle oemunlock command * a11bdd4 recovery: datamedia support * 3c0d796 recovery: Provide caching for sideload files * 5c92cca recovery: bu: Implement backup/restore * 66dbb0a recovery: Provide sideload cancellation * ce462af Blank screen during shutdown and reboot * 58956e0 recovery: turn on the backlight in recovery mode * 7114d35 recovery: Awakening of MiniVold * a693398 sr: Include vendor init trigger * d1bf076 Add back and home key handling. * af3c029 sr: Clean up f2fs tools (part of fstools now) * 78ff604 sr: Add fstools, update build configuration * d59426d OMGRainbows * 661ad17 sr: Enable zip/unzip commands * ad6bbb2 sr: Puke out an /etc/fstab so stuff like Busybox is happy * 6b3f16c sr: Get a proper shell environment in recovery * 4e96355 sr: Use pathmap for recovery * 47bccab mtdutils: Fix mounting partitions by-name * 8da9354 Remove ext4 guards * 099895c Allow f2fs to reserve bytes for footer when formatting * ed34493 recovery:updater: Changes to support 32->64 bit upgrades * 9770654 recovery: Allow device-specific reboot reason #### frameworks/base/ * f143cd6 Merge pull request #188 from ashoksoni/changes * 15f89f6 Fix Bluetooth battery icon after reboot * 89d8e6b Fix Hotspot tile is shown on Guest user * eda1e77 SettingsProvider: Update icon. #### frameworks/opt/telephony/ * a17ff1d Merge tag 'android-7.1.2_r2' into cm-14.1 #### hardware/ti/omap4/ * 86ea9e8 omap4: add more common build properties * 368f365 omap4: define BOARD_CANT_REALLOCATE_OMX_BUFFERS * cce4d95 omap4: camera: restore compatibility with older Android versions (< Android N) #### lineage/jenkins/ * c0e379b Yu can have nougat * a2dca2c hudson: Hima family to Nougat #### lineage/website/ * 6398c79 Bitcoin link * ed0fe37 Last couple of weeks at LineageOS (W/C 20th March) #### lineage/wiki/ * e233e39 wiki: Contributors: Hide non-official devices * 0da3d1c devices: Add Galaxy Note 2 LTE and Korean variants #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ #### packages/apps/Snap/ * 673547e CaptureUI: fix crash on setOrientation * a8285ad Snap: Fix effect and picture program overlay buttons * 65aa6fd Always apply frame size reduction to panorama pictures * 9e8d919 Never ignore finger swipes in gallery mode * b9da2b0 Fix record time sometimes not seen #### system/bt/ * 838550c Revert "Update Interop datatbase to prevent preferred conn updates" 04-04-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 3f2e218 Smartbar pixel animation: Ability to customize the dots [1/3] * a0e34fd FWB:Pulse: allow setting fading blocks opacity [1/3] #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8960/ * f462f4d mm-video-v4l2: vdec: add safety checks for freeing buffers * b040ed5 mm-video-v4l2: venc: add safety checks for freeing buffers #### hardware/ti/omap4/ * 0254e40 omap4: define TARGET_CAMERASERVICE_CLOSES_NATIVE_HANDLES * 7839bd6 camera: Use GBAllocator.allocate for N_MR1. * 3c75dc7 Revert "camera: switch to Gralloc.allocate and generate unique Id for allocation" * c9d954d camera: Rename version_major/minor to the new, non-deprecated names. * 0f2b557 camera: clean up build when various OMAP_ENHANCEMENTs are disabled * 9cf111b Revert "hwc: publicly define omap specific usage flags" * 9a75172 seccomp: allow clock_nanosleep syscall * 3a17e59 Fix camera video recording on N. * 547e464 android-api: Add N_MR1 defines. * c7d8882 camera: fix build for LP * 9843c81 android-api: Add LP_MR1 defines. * ef46c42 Add DOMX syscalls to seccomp filter * 6c31b84 domx: Remove implicit libc shared library declarations. * 6fc761d domx: Overhaul omx_proxy_component makefile. * 0efd58f domx: for ion_alloc alloc flag must be (1 << ID) and not the ID * 3088f9e camera: for carveout alloc we must use ID OMAP_ION_HEAP_SECURE_INPUT * 16aca2a android-api: add N * 38636fa camera: fix build for KK * 6c5b8a8 libcorkscrew: only build for Lollipop and newer * 4cd6c92 camera: Init all members of camera_module_t to fix warnings. * f439503 libtiutils: C++11 compat fix. * 97eba14 libstagefrighthw: Build with -Wall -Werror. * 5076f97 libI420colorconvert: Build with -Wall -Werror. * 2c59035 Make bltsville opt-in. * 072fa04 camera: Makefile overhaul. * 07c4577 Revert "camera: call camera CFLAGS should use CAMERAHAL_CFLAGS" * 06ce617 omap4: Set TARGET_FORCE_SCREENSHOT_CPU_PATH. * d1f876f SGX-BIN: build: android: Don't override PLATFORM_VERSION if supplied * eb70ea8 SGX-BIN: build: android: Add fallback PLATFORM_VERSION mechanism * dbe532a board/init: Common PVR KM build target for reuse by devices * 492610c SGX-BIN: build/srvkm: Drop SGX core/version suffixes everywhere * 42c669c SGX-BIN: buildvars: Compile PVR KM with -fno-pic * 55bfee6 libpower: Avoid overwriting custom user frequencies. * 357aaac libpower: Initialize inited variable. * 5ae1155 libpower: Add optional support for API 0.3 * c55f2bb Add OMAP PowerHAL #### lineage/website/ * df48acf Fix broken markdown for April Fool's * 435e143 April Fools...brings out fools? #### lineage/wiki/ * ab81e01 wiki: Don't close <html> before the end * f232716 wiki: Switch to relative links for favicons #### packages/apps/DUI/ * da18051 Add Chrome to MediaMonitor Blacklist Change-Id: Iabb2ef209ed4ca8b98da5260df107433eb540308 Signed-off-by: Varun Date <> * 29d8861 Smartbar pixel animation: Ability to customize the dots [2/3] * 645caf2 Pulse: allow setting fading blocks opacity [2/3] * 0ac9a97 Improve Pulse and MediaMonitor reliability #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ * 2828e47 OmniSwitch: reduce vertical padding on app icons * e02304c OmniSwitch: add missing docked task indicator for other views #### packages/apps/Settings/ * d3ad76f Smartbar pixel animation: Ability to customize the dots [3/3] * c1ebfd6 Settings:Pulse: allow setting fading blocks opacity [3/3] #### packages/providers/MediaProvider/ * e0e756f New Material icon #### packages/services/Mms/ * de8277e Add Material icon & app label #### packages/services/Telephony/ * e14278b Revert "Add support to launch call barring" * 895d764 Revert "CallFeatureSettings: Only show call barring option if QTI package installed" * db1a9ac Telephony: AIRPLANE_MODE_ON has moved 04-03-2017 ============ #### external/DUtils/ * e4af8c6 Smartbar media arrows: more code improvements [2/2] #### frameworks/base/ * 1a7d654 Switch to Enable or disable Vol up to disable overlays during boot [1/2] * f0b8485 Hold "volume up" during boot to disable all overlays * cf709b8 Slim recent membar colors settings: obey themes [1/2] * 76f94b8 Fix partial screenshot not working when dragging from left or top border * 6ba4bf4 SmartBar: allow set custom buttons opacity when Pulse is active [3/3] #### lineage/stats/ * 9836870 tribble-tracker: add LineageOS logo as favicon #### lineage/updater/ * be36539 fix check_builds cli command * 7463fdd Fix API 500 on requestfile * 0f222e8 Regenerate device_deps.json #### lineage/wiki/ * ad91868 wiki: delete unneeded fonts * 128c533 wiki: grammar and style * dd3cbd1 wiki: Add h8rift to Trusted Reviewers * f737317 wiki: Devices page: Do it properly #### packages/apps/DUI/ * 11115e9 Smartbar media arrows: fix it hiding sometimes * 107d69c SmartBar Media Arrows: add streaming music support * a687b71 Smartbar media arrows: more code improvements [1/2] * e6ddfe6 Smartbar media arrows: more code improvements * 4b13131 Smartbar track arrows: code cleanup and don't show them on video playing * 3c7daeb SmartBar: allow set custom buttons opacity when Pulse is active [1/3] * 13279b3 Make Smartbar Pixel Animation Durations Customizable [2/3] #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * be3d947 Add Reset Button to Pixel Animation Duration Settings * 6f35d50 Switch to Enable or disable Vol up to disable overlays during boot [2/2] * bbddeeb SlimRecents Membar Colors: Obey Themes when disabled [2/2] * 61354e2 SmartBar: allow set custom buttons opacity when Pulse is active [2/3] * 805e6da Move Magisk Manager Settings shortcut to below KA settings shortcut, westcripp implied (#735) #### vendor/cm/ * c09a03a rr: tools: improve changelog script 04-02-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 1e21950 Smarbar Pixel Navbar Animation Duration Settings [1/3] * e021aa8 LTE Tile: Make it Visible for Msim As well #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/ * ab780a8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.14' into cm-14.1-caf-8916 #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/ * d062bdc Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.9' into cm-14.1-caf-8994 #### lineage/website/ * 1d92c62 Clarify mascot's name #### packages/apps/DUI/ * 6f4e145 Unlock Home and Back Buttons from Smartbar #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * f996487 Update rr_strings.xml * fce0d71 Add more j5 models (#734) * 07ed706 Settings: Make Smartbar Pixel Animation Durations Customizable [3/3] #### packages/providers/CalendarProvider/ * 94029d1 New Material icon #### packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/ * 059380f TelephonyProvider: Update icon to Material #### packages/services/Telecomm/ * 0e51d1b fix incall #### packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/ * bf06fdf New Material icon 04-01-2017 ============ #### android/ * bf14f32 Revert "cm: Remove ahbottomnavigation library" #### frameworks/base/ * 05a13f1 Better QS detail clip animation #### lineage/jenkins/ * 852277d hudson: Remove t6 and t6vzw #### lineage/mirror/ * 0cad3fb Updated to 01-Apr-17 09:30:00 UTC #### lineage/website/ * 82df762 Announcing our new mascot! #### lineage/wiki/ * 51ba886 wiki: Index: Fix wrong link * 7227f8a wiki: Fix typos * 69a4ab7 wiki: Rework "Devices" page * 17b774b wiki: Package openssl-dev -> libssl-dev * 1dec8be devices: Fix griffin * 0c255c4 devices: Add ARK Benefit A3 (peach) * d5a91bb devices: Add Moto Z (griffin) * d54258b wiki: LineageOS, not Lineage! * 81e91a4 wiki: Some cleanup #### packages/apps/CMParts/ * 780f4ad CMParts:Make Button Settings and Hardware Key Settings Non Searchable #### packages/apps/DUI/ * 84da14e SmartBar: show arrows for next/previous track when playing audio [1/2] #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 2903195 SmartBar: show arrows for next/previous track when playing audio [2/2] * 27cc5fe Fix Strings and whitespaces * 0341a61 Add Maintainer for Vibe P1a42 (#733) #### vendor/cm/ * 05d7713 Update Prebuilts 03-31-2017 ============ #### build/ * 190f2fe Revert "ota: Remove cruft we don't care about" * fae00af Avoid adding an extra slash if OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE ends in a slash #### external/DUtils/ * 93cc06a DUI: validate image size before attempting to set as icon [1/2] * 52f7f6d Kill App action: remove the killed app from Recents list #### frameworks/base/ * 42b1343 Themes: Expose Keyboard Shortcuts Dialog * 9080b84 Statusbar Weather Image: Make it update when iconpacks are changed * abdfead BatteryTile: make the icon apply * ac183ba base: Apply roaming indicator changes instantly * 8e802de Allow to set a different battery style for tile and statusbar [1/2] * 61d4294 QS:Re-Enable Night Display Tile for devices that support it * 7d73fb8 Suspend Actions Qs Tile * 1ed9957 DocumentsUI: make shapes great again * 5e038ca Revert "[1/2] base: support separate encryption/lockscreen passwords" * c895580 MountService: Don't run benchmarks after trimming * 4c1bf3c BatteryService: add dash charging support * 0b7f30e Fw_base - Night auto brightness: restore user brightness values also after reboot * 46aba72 Fw_base - Night Light brightness mode options [1/2] * c3c55c5 Fix NPE while performing NetworkStatsService.removeUidsLocked() * 6151c0b4 Fix potential NULL dereference errors. * f85af0b Frameworks/base: Fix old code in MediaPlayer #### lineage/wiki/ * 338d211 klte and variants: Drop stray single quotes * 89345a0 Remove stray semicolons (klte, kccat6, lentislte) * 3329a44 wiki: fix double translation proofreaders list * 91eece3 wiki: new main page * 3b02115 wiki: New Material Design #### packages/apps/DUI/ * b9c7e39 SmartBar editor: Let's use the blue! * 67522d0 Smartbar: expose SmartButton ripple color #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 5875669 Fix Magisk and re-arrange themes and Magisk settings shortcut to be below RR configuration. * 44aca00 String Updates * a5e2537 Also Update RR dashboard theme icon * 3e2370d StorageSettings: Fix Color derp * ca04793 DUI: validate image size before attempting to set as icon [2/2] * f2c4953 Allow to set a different battery style for tile and statusbar [2/2] * bcf2a23 Themes: Expose SmartBar Dialogs from manifest * 27f2caa Redesigned Substratum icon * 3827d80 Expose styles in the manifest for themes * 79d3b9b Expose "ALL" hardcoded and @android colors * c52bbe4 Suspend Actions as an Activity * cb0a91c Revert "[2/2] settings: support setting a separate encryption password" * 314bc9e Settings - Night Light brightness mode options [2/2] #### packages/apps/ThemeInterfacer/ * ae4821c Fix failed authorization toast on restartService #### packages/services/OmniJaws/ * 79faaf8 Build as privileged and "fix" applying icon packs * 48ac8bd OmniJaws: Clean up unused imports, simpify few things * 1c052e1 OmniJaws: Add menu item to search for Chronus icons * 38f509f Fix potential actionbar npe * 303eae1 OmniJaws: manifest add DEFAULT category to activities * 960d49f Revert "Remove Weather icon pack pref" #### vendor/cm/ * b73b386 Fix APNs for Cyprus * 089838d extract_utils: support extracting directly from an ota zip * 9fa9f1f cm: remove special access to unused cmfm * 12011bf cm: allow apps to find profile manager service * 815c85a cm: build: Don't convert patchset to int if it's None * 2b4fe98 cm: build: Fix cherry picking specific patchsets * 58e0449 Make a data only config * ecdbb93 APN: Fix TalkTalk * 02ddc58 apn: Updating TelkomSA from 8ta South Africa APN * 3e253ac repopick: encode commit subjects in utf-8 for printing * b6087b8 overlay: Disable recovery updates * e8f46e3 apns: Remove proxy for the "TIM WAP" APN * f4c483e Add TvSettings to common tv config. * 739b20c vendor: Add templates for proprietary extraction scripts * efc99d4 extract_utils: Fix locale issue with sort * b93ec4c vendor_cm : update Fastweb apn * 04ffdec apns: Add Perfectum * 3c2dada cm: build: tasks: Remove BUILD_TINY_ANDROID check * 9184dd3 extract-utils: Fix handling of pulling src:dest pairs from dumps 03-30-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### lineage/updater/ * e28d174 updater: Discard imported commits * 0ba0552 updater: Sort changes by submit time #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ #### packages/apps/Bluetooth/ #### packages/apps/CMBugReport/ #### packages/apps/Calendar/ #### packages/apps/Camera2/ #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/Eleven/ #### packages/apps/Email/ #### packages/apps/FMRadio/ #### packages/apps/Gello/ #### packages/apps/Messaging/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ #### packages/apps/Profiles/ #### packages/apps/Recorder/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/apps/Terminal/ #### packages/apps/ThemeChooser/ #### packages/apps/Trebuchet/ #### packages/apps/TvSettings/ #### packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ #### packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/ #### packages/providers/DataUsageProvider/ #### packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ #### packages/providers/ThemesProvider/ #### packages/providers/WeatherProvider/ #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/WundergroundWeatherProvider/ #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/ 03-29-2017 ============ #### android/ * 79626b1 manifest: show download stats * 3b9d716 manifest: show how much % localization is done! #### bionic/ * 5848aaf libc: memcpy_base: Disable opt for certain targets #### frameworks/base/ * 2da0591 FWB: SmartBar Color: Custom app color filter switch (1/3) #### lineage/jenkins/ * 5bfbabb hudson: ship weeklies for griffin #### lineage/updater/ * dba026d Fix compatibility with Python 3 #### lineage/wiki/ * 369e5ea Oppo -> OPPO * c6dcc37 Clean up d2spr maintainers #### packages/apps/DUI/ * d2872b6 DUI: SmartBar Color: Custom app color filter switch (2/3) #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 3df288e Settings: SmartBar Color: Custom app color filter switch (3/3) #### packages/apps/ThemeInterfacer/ * 0f51d79 JobService: Fix inital font application * bed5f44 JobService: fix initial theme dir creation 03-28-2017 ============ #### android/ * 0bcf782 crowdin: track the manifest * 23bb331 manifest: add in a crowdin.xml * 9f86f8b manifest: delete unnecessary file. #### frameworks/base/ * 55241a8 Core: Make tethering notifications fully translatable #### lineage/jenkins/ * 42f8fda Remove obsolete #### lineage/wiki/ * 1cf79be Revert "wiki: Devices: Improve code readability" * d6c9bf5 wiki: Make it more likely that Gapps get installed _before_ first boot * 8cd8685 wiki: Devices: Improve code readability * b2d4c45 devices: Update Sony Blue migration downloads links #### packages/apps/Dialer/ * 4562381 Revert "Revert "Use TabLayout for DSDA tabs."" #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 146385a Settings: fix build * febccd5 Add VEGA Sky A910 (#729) * 3feebfe Fix zen mode allowed event preference summary. * c9c382a Settings: Fix AOSP WiFi AP translations * f1567f0 Settings: Fix german string #### system/core/ * 1fc4f92 adb: Look for bu in /sbin when in recovery mode 03-27-2017 ============ #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/ * 8174213 audio: Fix flac offload not working * d758485 policy_hal: Line up default features with rest of HAL #### hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/ * 2f02a3e Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.9' into cm-14.1-caf-8994 #### hardware/ti/omap4/ * 71be556 Include common omap4 vendor repo if available. * 02837a7 libEGL_POWERVR: Replace remaining LOCAL_LDLIBS (KK compatibility) * 115c4a4 pvrsrvinit/libEGL_POWERVR: Actually ready needed vendor libraries * aff0723 pvrsrvinit/libEGL_POWERVR: Link against generic library symlinks * b132a61 pvrsrvinit: PVRScopeServices symlink lives in vendor/ti now * 3c61176 pvrsrvinit: define the libraries to link against in LOCAL_LDFLAGS * ca79788 symlinks: Move Gralloc's to vendor/ti (together with processing) #### lineage/stats/ * 0c9aa33 Allow disk use for count #### lineage/updater/ * cadeb4e Oppo -> OPPO #### lineage/wiki/ * edf70dd wiki: Improve readability of device templates * 3bcb740 wiki: Add device architecure to several pages #### packages/apps/Settings/ * a0124fc Add j5 (#728) #### packages/apps/Trebuchet/ * 315b2f9 Moving a few testing classes to a separate package * 3c58753 Trebuchet: Remove ambient SDK leftover 03-26-2017 ============ #### bionic/ * 6f130ca linker: Restore optional platform text relocations use #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8952/ * baabf8a audio: Fix msm8952-snd-card-mtp support #### lineage/wiki/ * 724dd9c devices: add Galaxy S5 Plus and S5 LTE-A #### packages/apps/Settings/ * db1f9f0 Add Nougat Maintainer for LeEco Le 1s (X3) (#727) * b7874b1 Settings: Set correct default value to In-call DND switch (#725) * 964a86d Add Natrium maintainer (#723) * 727b7c8 Add Samsung Galaxy S7 maintainer (#724) * 5edc1d0 Option to Disable Blank network signal icons on Msim [2/2] 03-25-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 65359b6 Fix Potential NPE on Msim * da1e367 Slim Recents: fix SystemUI fc * fb47dc9 Option to Disable Blank network signal icons on Msim [1/2] * 42f6626 SystemUI: Hide unprovisioned SIMs * There's no point of displaying null signal icon. clean up PSB while we're at it Signed-off-by: Varun Date <> * 1533473 Slim Recents: more fixes, cleanup and improvements * 5e02a9a Merge pull request #187 from ashoksoni/changes * 8b6ff71 Fix crash issue on Storage Manager app * 7bfdfda Fix for wakelock being held during bootup and idle scenario. * 4df2b2b SystemUI: Tiny expanding improvement Signed-off-by: BigBrother1984 <> Signed-off-by: xyyx <> * 4e0ee9f [BUG] fix NullPointerException in #### hardware/qcom/fm/ * aff061a FM: Fix KHz->kHz #### lineage/jenkins/ * 6850333 hudson: ship weeklies for kccat6 and lentislte #### lineage/updater/ * f923df1 Add Galaxy S5 Plus and S5 LTE-A #### lineage/wiki/ * 5f361b7 wiki: capitalize device type and table first row in device table * 146a55c wiki: Open external links in new tabs 03-24-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 738bd6e Slim Recents Membar Colors [1/2] * 5d257d2 Base: API to restart SystemUI without root * d9ea16f Weather tile longclick: alternative weather apps when google weather not installed * 5369e64 Slim Recents: fix multiwindow glitch when docking app to bottom * 9b7f8a4 Slim Recent new multiwindow when multiwindow already active: make it more robust * 728368c Cleanups after Slim recents Refactor * 0dec18d Allow themers to customize battery frame color on darkintensity * 9cb2b58 Slim Recents icon cache: clear it when changing scale factor * 9f09e14 Location tile: new icons * 838a66f Slim Recents: add icon cache to improve performances * 4cf1b49 Slim Recents icon pack: fallback to app icon if pack doesn't have any * 3cec48b Clean up a couple Uris in PSB * aac9a56 Slim recents: don't show content when screen is pinned * 9a7e481 Slim recents: fix sometimes icons being invisible when they should not * e4b1813 Slim Recents: fix multiwindow glitch when docking app to bottom * e9026c1 Slim Recents: fix toptask header layout and other ui improvements * 37c03e3 Slim recents: no need to vibrate twice on longclick * 55213dd Slim recents: Fix blinking cards on notifyDataSetChanged() * 02119f4 Slim recents style improvements * c4c2f58 Slim Recent: allow to dock new apps if a multiwindow session is already running * 54e0b02 Refactor SlimRecents (1/2) * 00d1fcc Slim Recents iconpack support [1/2] #### lineage/cve/ * b009e68 cve_tracker: Make it easier to start #### lineage/updater/ * 5afeb1f Add Galaxy Note II Korean variants (t0lteskt and t0ltektt) * b2a95b2 Add Motorola Moto Z * b4d0a9e Add Lenovo Vibe K5/K5 Plus #### lineage/wiki/ * 77d544d wiki: Group dev-only pages * fcce7c5 wiki: Improve "How-to" list * 44a6ae9 wiki: Properly use tags * 61ab5cf wiki: Make "All content" actually useful * b16b339 wiki: Rework using-gerrit how-to * 791f9d6 devices: Add Lenovo K5 to wiki (A6020) * a281294 devices: Add jfltevzw page #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ * 9b194dd Revert all the changes introduced with cafrebase #### packages/apps/Recorder/ * ed7a8b3 Recorder: add and fix missing copyrights * 779c197 Recorder: screen recorder overlay * 4bf3b75 Recorder: update gradle and support libraries #### packages/apps/Settings/ * f0dd739 Slim Recents Membar Color [2/2] * bf21305 Refactor Slim Recents [2/2] * 0a64428 Update * cce096d Slim Recents iconpack support [2/2] 03-23-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * 42d1838 Ability to disable Do not Disturb mode when calling [1/3] * 8336296 Suspend Actions [1/3] * 0c5dbdc Make roaming indicator optional [1/2] #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/ * 926b55b Merge AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1. on remote branch #### lineage/jenkins/ * 00686db hudson: Remove kltevzw from build roster #### lineage/mirror/ * f3b00fa mirror: Added t0lteskt and t0ltektt #### lineage/wiki/ * 95cf803 Revert "devices: update gts28vewifi maintainer info" * d2ecc00 wiki: correct typos in build template * 7f00b29 wiki: Use a better path than ~/android/system #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ * ef15f62 OmniSwitch: on the fly update on dpi changes * bcfc4b1 OmniSwitch: multi window madness * 37c5b8f OmniSwitch: delay task info loading to speedup open #### packages/apps/Recorder/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * ed6ad03 Fix Build due to bad Pull request * 5076e30 Ability to disable Do not Disturb mode when calling [3/3] * 75b6380 Suspend Actions [3/3] * 0269bd3 Make roaming indicator optional [2/2] * cb63132 add mising strings * 68d825d Add Nougat Maintainer of Nubia Z11(nx531j) (#722) #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/apps/TvSettings/ #### packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ #### packages/services/Telecomm/ * b253df5 Ability to disable Do not Disturb mode when calling [2/3] #### packages/services/Telephony/ * 3ac6537 Suspend Actions [2/3] #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/WundergroundWeatherProvider/ 03-22-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ #### lineage/jenkins/ * 6fb1762 hudson: ship weeklies for peach * 7c900cc Add t0lte, t0lteskt, and t0ltektt to cm-14.1 weekly builds #### lineage/wiki/ * 2a2ed29 wiki: Update "Bug report" how-to * 080c585 wiki: Update "Logcat" page and turn it into a how-to * 44ae075 wiki: Fix search function * 302f448 wiki: Fix formatting of "Import to Android Studio" how-to * c304383 devices: fix link to blob extraction from zip #### packages/apps/Dialer/ #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 28b1322 Batterybar Settings: Fix Color Previews * bb12331 Merge remote-tracking branch 'rr/nougat' into HEAD * 94bca5b Revert "Enable cool color temperature option" * c4a0609 Add Nougat Maintainer of Lenovo P2(p2a42) (#720) #### vendor/cm/ * 24cd1a4 Revert "Update Magisk to V11.6" 03-21-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * d2d57c0 Add Compass tile * b54a260 Statusbar ticker: apply statusbar tint when set to white * 24dbac1 Location tile: add high accuracy state icon * e4d25c2 Merge branch 'nougat' of into nougat * 41b8ae7 Location tile: dynamic icon state also when easy toggle enabled * 806928c Expose Screenshot flash and background colors * 2641bdd Expose temperature text in DetailedWeatherView #### hardware/qcom/fm/ #### lineage/website/ * a9d6d7b Update project name in the footer * 3c0625c Last couple of weeks at LineageOS (W/C 6th March 2017) #### lineage/wiki/ * 7c3aca9 wiki: Add Android Studio how-to * 3ecae0e devices: Replace merlin's watermarked image * 71cecda build: Add missing dependency * 899caa4 wiki: Avoid redirect when opening devices list page #### packages/apps/AudioFX/ #### packages/apps/Bluetooth/ #### packages/apps/Calendar/ #### packages/apps/Camera2/ #### packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ #### packages/apps/Eleven/ #### packages/apps/Email/ #### packages/apps/FMRadio/ #### packages/apps/Gello/ #### packages/apps/HTMLViewer/ #### packages/apps/Messaging/ #### packages/apps/Nfc/ #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ #### packages/apps/Recorder/ #### packages/apps/SafetyRegulatoryInfo/ #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 84b4eb1 AppOpsDetails: Check app permissions safely #### packages/apps/SetupWizard/ #### packages/apps/Snap/ #### packages/apps/Stk/ #### packages/apps/Terminal/ #### packages/apps/ThemeChooser/ #### packages/apps/Trebuchet/ #### packages/apps/TvSettings/ #### packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ #### packages/apps/WallpaperPicker/ #### packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/ #### packages/providers/BookmarkProvider/ #### packages/providers/CalendarProvider/ #### packages/providers/ContactsProvider/ #### packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ #### packages/providers/MediaProvider/ #### vendor/cm/ * 4b42ac4 Update Magisk to V11.6 #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/WundergroundWeatherProvider/ #### vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/ 03-20-2017 ============ #### lineage/crowdin/ * 1912961 config: cm-14.1: Add CustomTiles #### lineage/jenkins/ * 61fa83a hudson: ship weeklies for A6020 #### lineage/updater/ * ad4b3fe Add check_builds command, print out flask shell commands to delete builds if they aren't available on the mirror #### lineage/wiki/ * 2fc86d2 wiki: update device pages permalinks * ec73db8 wiki: use relative links when possible * 4483c40 Added "Supported models" values to multiple Samsung devices. * fbc8b17 wiki: fix typo on developer_information page * 27c2f6f devices: update gts28vewifi maintainer info 03-19-2017 ============ #### frameworks/base/ * f93be09 Move wakelock option for flashlight to CameraManager. * 09c2f18 SingleHandWindow: Allow locking the rotation to 180° * 835fcfb Add VOLTE icon #### frameworks/opt/telephony/ * c31cf84 telephony: Fix rebase mismerge breaking SIM detection when encrypted #### lineage/crowdin/ * 659a4ea config: cm-14.1: Remove CMFileManager #### lineage/wiki/ * 188e43a wiki: 13.0 weekly builds started for xt897 03-18-2017 ============ #### android/ * c4a1a79 Track Own Package Installer #### frameworks/base/ * 2e5baa3 ThemeSafety: Introduce App Crash Intent * 12880eb Fix issues of different phone objects sharing same mConnectionApns list. * 1fac004 Revert "Ignore IMS type APN when notify data connection" #### hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8996/ * 57c808c Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.5.r1-03800-8x96.0' into cm-14.1-caf-8996 #### hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8996/ * c9d8726 Merge tag 'LA.UM.5.5.r1-03800-8x96.0' into cm-14.1-caf-8996 #### lineage/updater/ * f3da51f updater: fix show all merged changes for device object #### packages/apps/Bluetooth/ * d3c06ce Revert "Introduced Active device for volume updates and volume update in pause state" * ff3d0d8 Bluetooth: AIRPLANE_MODE_ON has moved #### packages/apps/ExactCalculator/ * 99ebfe6 Merge branch 'cm-14.1' of into nougat #### packages/apps/OmniSwitch/ #### packages/apps/PackageInstaller/ * de2347a PackageInstaller: Add tint mode to icons #### packages/apps/Settings/ 03-17-2017 ============ #### bionic/ * 08aff0d linker: Allow devices to force shim libs #### build/ * b7c9ded Use 'release-keys' for build tag #### frameworks/base/ * ad7a554 PackageManager: Always let UID 0 start FallbackHome * d6a2f93 Add tile information to ACTION_QS_TILE_PREFERENCES intent * ca9d9fa SystemUI: Dismiss keyguard on boot if disabled by current profile * c717b21 {SQUASHED}Revert" Header Date+Time positions " * 172def4 SB Weather: Dont Show Image always on Left when animate = true #### lineage/updater/ * 80901a7 updater: properly handle pages with no device selected * 1c5c426 add optional special information url #### lineage/wiki/ * ea172e0 devices: G5 corrections * 719c624 devices: jfltexx corrections * be32fb8 devices: Add Lg G5 to wiki (h859 & h830) * bf0e787 devices: Add Samsung Galaxy S4 (International LTE) (jfltexx) * b663b70 wiki: contributors: Add the 'Head Developers' group * 45b3b27 wiki: Drop mdmower participation * 4721fad css: remove icon after external links * ee92cbe Turn devices list into table, add 'type' field * 883f7f5 build: Remove manual wrapping of packages * 4c3f424 build: Add openssl-dev as a requirement #### packages/apps/Settings/ * 9a1b240 Revert" Header Date+Time positions [2/2]" * 1753536 Fix Fling Settings Seekbar attrs #### system/core/ * 0217ddd init: Don't update recovery on boot #### vendor/cm/ * 4e317ae Regen Changelog
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